Category: Software Development

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Grand Cinemas KSA

Movies Booking Platform Grand Cinemas – KSA Project Information Grand Cinemas is the trademark known as the...

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GIVENMINE – Loyalty Program SDK

Malls Loyalty Program SDK GIVENMINE – Belgium Project Information GIVENMINE, one of the leading digital marketing agencies...

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BAGONISTA – Bags rental & Shopping Platform

Bags Rental & Shopping Platform BAGONISTA – UAE Project Information BAGONISTA, an e-commerce startup in Dubai, came...

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Tunezin – Online Music Teaching Platform

Online Music Teaching Platform Tunezin – Netherlands Project Information Tunezin is a online music teaching platform where...

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aKINDemy – Book Subscription Platform

Book Subscription Platform aKINDemy – UAE Project Information aKINDemy, a book subscription & delivery platform where parents...

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Tutoroom – Online Learning Platform

Online Learning Platform Tutoroom – UAE Project Information Tutoroom is an online platform where students can find...

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Rallim School – Learning Management System

Learning Management System Rallim – South Africa Project Information Rallim is an innovative and unique modern learning...

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